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[新闻] GeoHot神奇小子称完美越狱破解iPhone 3.1.3固件(包括iPoa touch和iPad)

发表于 2010-3-27 21:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
著名黑客黑雨(Blackra1n)破解软件作者GeoHot(即神奇小子)今天在其微博twitter上更新消息称已搞定了iPhone 3GS/iPod touch 2G/iPod touch 3G的完美越狱,而且放出了一段相关视频,而且GeoHot表示该完美越狱或许同样适用于苹果平板电脑iPad,推测应该是找到了通用漏洞,这样的话说明iPhone 3.1.2和3.1.3固件都被破解了,跟Blackra1n黑雨一样简单。
  视频中演示的是最新bootrom的iPod Touch  3代(相当于41周后的iPhone 3GS),不过GeoHot并未表示此越狱工具会马上放出,机友们可以开始膜拜神奇小子了……
  不完美越狱则是指采用新版bootrom的iPhone 3GS、iPod Touch2G&3G等机器越狱后,一旦重启会进入恢复模式,需要连接电脑后由redsn0w或blackra1n引导启动,而这次可以完美越狱了。
Untethered Jailbreak!!
See the video here.
I believe it meets the requirements for a good video.
The jailbreak is all software based, and is as simple to use as blackra1n. It is completely untethered, works on all current tethered models(ipt2, 3gs, ipt3), and will probably work on iPad too.
Don't ask about a release date. You won't make it happen any sooner.
Hello everyone, and thank you for all the warm wishes and some not so warm,

It has been tweeted and on interview blogs that a 3.1.3 jailbreak will not be forthcoming....there are other updates coming out from Apple very soon and these are the updates that need working on.

If you all want to keep asking about a 3.1.3 jailbreak or even unlock then be my guest, but nothing is coming......I REPEAT, nothing is coming.

As for downgrading, YES, there are a lot of great and useful downgrade tools out there, but if you have updated to 3.1.3 and your Baseband is 05.12.01, then I am sorry to say that you are SOL at this time. the new Baseband was placed in the Apple firmware for one reason and one reason only....to screw evry unlocker out there on doing an unlock.

I wish that you all could have back the trusty 3.1.2 firmware and lesser Baseband, but this is not going to happen, just hang in there for the new 3.1.4, 3.2 or 4.0 firmware to arrive and all will be golden once again....

Any new updates on jailbreaks and/or unlocks as well as firmware coming out will be on twitter....follow and learn the news.






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